Wednesday, August 1, 2012

No time for anything but poker

I have not been blogging as much lately.  But the reason for that is good, from a perspective of a gambling degenerate (who is disciplined!) determined to gamble everyday of his life.  I have been too busy gambling!  I have not totaled the hours yet but I am pretty sure that I played more hours of live poker in July than I ever have before in any month.  I probably put in about 140-150 hours at the table.  And don't forget, I have a full time job that takes up about 43 hours of my life each week.  So you can see why when I have an hour or two of downtime on this evening or that, the last thing I feel like doing is blogging.  But I want to try to keep this blog going and there is no reason I can't blog at least once a week.  I will try to do better at that.

In case your were wondering July was a good month at the tables.  I did show a profit and that is the goal at the end of every month and every year.

I had a really unique hand come up a week or two ago that I feel is worth mentioning.  I don't think I have ever seen what happened in this hand at a poker table before.  I was on the button and somebody straddled to $6.  One person called and then I called on the button with 97 suited.  The straddle checked his option and we saw a flop three handed.  The flop came 5 8 2.  The straddle checked as did the other player and I took the free card.  They both checked again when a King hit the turn.  I decided to take a stab at the pot in position and bet $10.  Both players called.  The turn was a 6 giving me the absolute nuts.  The person who was the straddle bet $20 and the other player called.  I raised it to $57 with the nuts and then the original bettor came over the top all in and the other player called as well.  It is always nice to get two people going all in against you with the nuts but I figured I was chopping with at least one of them.  The straddle turned over 34 for a straight, the other player turned over 74 for a bigger straight and my 97 beat them all and I took the whole pot.  Needless to say this hand was talked about for sometime that night in the poker room.  I am pretty sure it is the first time I have ever seen three different straights completed with both players using both of their whole cards on one river card.  I have seen three straights many times but to see three completely different straights made on one card, with all players using both of their whole cards was pretty amazing.  The mighty 6 of hearts was an extremely powerful card on that board! 

It just goes to show you that when you are playing No Limit Hold em, even the smallest and most boring pots can explode with excitement when the right card hits.

Disciplined Degenerate

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